Finding Your Way Around The Excel WorksheetWisdom EtukDigital Skills Tutorial, Interactive Quiz Please enter your email: 1. What is the shortcut key for ‘save as’ F2 F10 F11 F12 2. What is the shortcut key for ‘editing a cell’ F4 Ctrl+A F2 Alt+F4 3. A cell’s name is a combination of 2 things; The row header and the name box the column header and the formula bar The column header and the row header the name box 4. The row header of a worksheet is denoted by ______ while the column header is denoted by _____ numbers, letters letters, numbers cells, range none of the above 5. Which feature on a worksheet is used to edit formulas Name box Formula bar Toolbar Tabs 6. Which of the following examples is a range A1;D4 C1,C10 D4:D9 B1-H5 7. What is the cell reference for Row 6 column C C6 A1:C6 6C C1-C6 8. What is the shortcut key for ‘cut’ Ctrl+v Ctrl+s Ctrl+x Ctrl+Y 9. What is the range of Row 2 Column B: Row 6 Column D B2;D6 B1-H9 D6:B2 B2:D6 10. What is the command for adding a row Add rows Delete rows Insert rows Append rows Loading … See Also: The Relevance of Digital Literacy (Quiz) Please, share with your network: